วันอังคารที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Shakespeare Love Poems - A Lover's Complaint Analysis

One of the four full-length Shakespeare love poems, this poem is written in seven-line stanzas and is written in rhyme royal, just like another Shakespeare love poem, the Rape of Lucrece. The rhyme royal rhyming scheme is (aba-bb-cc). This full length poem is 394 lines long, and has 2,579 words... so if you haven't read it yet and don't have the time to do so, have a look at my summary below.

The poem tells the story of a young maid who laments over her seduction by a persuasive, womanising young man. He eventually dumps her and breaks her heart. The story begins with her weeping and wailing by the river, and an old shepherd hears her and takes pity, and goes over to console her. He finds her throwing love tokens into the river as she weeps, all given to her by the same man, old love letters (some written in blood) and jewellery... The shepherd notices that although she looks bedraggled, she is still young and must have been pretty before she became in such a state.

She tells the story of how she was an innocent and chaste young woman, not to be easily seduced by red-blooded men. This young man had a reputation as a notorious womaniser, and the young maid was wary to begin with. Eventually his charms and popularity seduced her. Shakespeare goes on to describe the young man's many qualities, he was very handsome, and had wit and charm and a twinkle in his eye. He had a "subduing tongue" and could "make the weeper laugh, the laugher weep" and she accepted them and almost believed her loved her, He gave her gifts and love tokens from his previous lovers to show how much her loved fer... Perhaps he did, it is not made clear in the poem, but soon the young maid started to fall in love with the young man, even though she knew of his nature as a womaniser and a cheater.

Eventually the young man started becoming untrue and deep down she knew it, but she was so in love that it blinded her and she ignored it. The young man eventually left her to pursue other woman, and now the young woman is sad and alone.

Shakespeare explores two different themes of the nature of love here, both are very dangerous. In this Shakespeare love poem, there is firstly the power of love to blind all to sense. The young maid was at the time a chaste and good young lady, and she knew that the young man was a fickle seducer, but yet at the time she was blinded by love and it robbed her of all reason.

Another theme is the cruelty of love, how this young woman was cheated and dumped unkindly by this man. Sometimes people have very little concern for other peoples feelings... This could also be interpreted as a theme on how fickle men's hearts are... In this poem, we are unsure whether the man really over loved the young maid or whether he was just using her, but some lines portray him in a bad light. I particularly like this very clever description near the end of the poem "...though our drops this difference in bore, His poison'd me, and mine did him restore..." This is my favourite line in the poem, and it describes how the seducing young man's false tears tricked the young maid into falling in love with him, but her real tears gave the young man the strength and boosted his ego. The use of the word poison almost gives an evil edge to the young man's motives I like this poem's description of each character's flaws and qualities... The young maid's description invokes pity in the reader "Her hair, nor loose nor tied in formal plat... Hanging her pale and pined cheek beside ", this description makes her seem very plain in appearance, almost as if she could be pretty, but has no strength or energy to care about her appearance. We could all learn from Shakespeare's romantic writings here.

This in my opinion is one of the best Shakespeare Love Poems to learn poetry from because of its simple themes of the dangers of love... Many of you may be able to relate to the story of the young maid in this poem, but if you're looking for clever description, this is one of the best poems to look at.

Cluivee Lee is interested in Shakespeare love poems, especially learning about them, discussing them, and reading them.


วันพุธที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Spiritual Enlightenment - Uplifts the Mind, Body and Spirit

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Christina R. Jussaume, a spiritual poetic writer has published her sixth collection of poetry entitled, "Spiritual Entitlement: Healing of Mind, Body, and Spirit." Jussaume is a wife, mother, grandmother, and is a founding member of the poetry site "Poetry and Publishing" located in the UK. She dedicates this book to God from whom she gets her inspiration and to her friends for their encouragement.

Spiritual Entitlement begins with the poem "God's Enlightenment," which is written in the Shadow Sonnet form (page 1). The inventor of this poetic form is Amera M. Anderson. This form is similar to the American Sonnet which does not use end rhymes and has a syllable count of unequal lines. Reflecting on the first poem, the words of her late mother resonates in her soul as she pens the poem "Pass No Judgment," which in written in the Monchielle form (page 4). This poem sends tribute to her mother for the lessons she learned from her as a daughter. The creator of this poetic form is Jim T. Henriksen. Additionally, the poetics lines send a clear message that such an act of judgment rest only with God the Creator.

The poem, "Offering of Peace and Joy," is written in The Tree format (page 14). The creator of this poetic form is Dorian Peterson Potter. It is actually a concrete poem since it outlines the form of a tree. This poem brings the essence of peace and joy to the heart of the reader. Her poem which is entitled, "Stairway to Heaven," is written in the Linked format (page 67). The creator of this poetic form is Erich J. Goller. This poem gives some insight regarding the path to Heaven and what it takes to walk the "Stairways to Heaven."

The book continues with another concrete poem entitled, "The Lighting Bugs," which is written in The Butterfly Oclet form (page 117). The inventor of this poetic form is Joree Williams. Each individual stanza in the poem is in the form of a butterfly's wings. This poem sends images of angelic wings reflecting stars as a guiding light.

Jussaume has not forgotten her parents. She also gives credit to her late father in the poem "To My Father," written in the Pruntiform poetic style (page 181). The creator of this poetic form is Randy Prunty. The author's plea to God in this poem is for everyone to live in faith and grow in love. She ends her poems on page 181 with another poem written in the Monchielle form and is entitled, "Believe in Me to Be Well." This poem stems from the Book of Exodus 15:26, and is based on the voice of God which states, "I am the Lord who heals you."

The book also has a glossary of over 80 plus poetic forms and styles for greater understanding of the poems. Following the glossary is another section with the front cover of the books written by Jussaume. The last section of the book has a list of books in which she contributes her poems for the betterment of others and world peace.

Joseph S. Spence, Sr. (aka "Epulaeryu Master"), authored "The Awakened One Poetics" (2009), published in seven languages, "A Trilogy of Poetry, Prose and Thoughts for the Mind, Body and Soul," and "Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body and Soul." Joseph is a Goodwill Ambassador for Arkansas, and is a US Army veteran.
