วันพุธที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Music of the Twentieth Century - An Awesome Anthology Helping Haiti

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"Music of the Twentieth Century" reflects with the rising sun molding its golden splendor of uplifting rays on the earth and its diversity of clay, thus stimulating it to sparkle in pure and illustrious light, may each sentient soul experience such an uplifting blessing of life, light, and love without deprivation from any source. The awesomeness of such a shining and magnificent majesty has linked the hearts of poets across the world to intercede in the gap for Haiti with this inspirational poetic anthology.

The Poets Worldwide has experienced the quite moment of appreciating such a true and quality sense of being. Accordingly, their response is in honoring that unearned gift by actually being enlightened in the moment. Such enlightenment is reflected with this anthology of inspirational poetic lines regarding music and musicians from the twentieth century, which is in honor of Haiti in support of the earthquake victims as a fundraiser to help them.

The essence of the poems in this anthology should bring out the quality of the soul in each reader and supporter. It should appear like ascending Jacob's ladder with the sweet sounds of inspiration from chromatic scales on the tongue; like walking around Jericho's walls with a crescendo of percussion musical notes in flats and sharps; like dipping in the River Jordon with pianoforte stimulating the soul with a notable light sparkling in the eyes for greater understanding of the universe.

This terrestrial visualization of life and the labyrinth it traverses begs the question in the realization of Haiti. It causes us to pause and breathtakingly reflect upon the essential quality of love, life, light, and liturgy, which the poets worldwide send to all who read this compilation from noted and inspired poets to benefit the earthquake victims of Haiti.

The altruistic spirit of inspired poets worldwide has a mission of encouragement instead of discouragement; celebration instead of bare toleration; building up instead of tearing down; and enlightening others instead of reflecting darkness. Such articulations one ought to find in this poetic anthology of life to help the earthquake victims of Haiti.

The goodness they impart on others in uplifting their souls, inspiring their spirits, relieving their pain, washing away their salty tears, and giving them once again the motivation to live, love, and laugh instead of crying, dying, and fighting for crumbs will stimulate new life in our universe. As always, may the power of the omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent One be with each reader and supporter in imparting this blessing and understanding for the betterment of humankind.

Joseph S. Spence, Sr. (aka "Epulaeryu Master"), authored "The Awakened One Poetics" (2009), published in seven languages, "A Trilogy of Poetry, Prose and Thoughts for the Mind, Body and Soul," and "Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body and Soul." Joseph is a Goodwill Ambassador for Arkansas, and is a US Army veteran.


วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Shakespeare Love Poems - Sonnet 130 Analysis

Another of the most famous Shakespeare Love Poems, Sonnet 130 is strange when you first look at it. It shows Shakespeare seemingly in conflicting minds about his mistress (the dark lady)... The other poems he writes are descriptive, compare with the way he describes the fair youth in sonnet 18. However, its is indeed a satire in nature and there are clever facets to this poem. He talks about the mistress as having lots of bad qualities, bad breath, hair frizzy, dull complexion... But in the end, the writer still loves her.

1st quatrain

Straight away the tone is set, and the writer compares the mistress as being nothing like the sun (the sonnet fair youth in compare with "gold complexion" of the 18). He seems to be criticising or even mocking her, with the next lines. It almost seems like the writer is confession of pitying the mistress and is almost ashamed of himself for being with her. The writer says "her breasts are dun" showing that her skin is dark and dull, and white skin was perceived as beautiful at the time. He describes her hair as black wires, and again black hair was seen as common and not beautiful. This first quatrain is strange and seems to have a certain lack emptiness and lack of emotion coinciding with it.

2nd quatrain

The writer continues to criticise her, saying there is no colour in her cheeks, and that her breath smells bad. Its poems continues to sound hollow and sad... At this point we still do not know where this poem is leading... The next quatrain reveals all

quatrain 3 rd

"I love to hear her speak The 3rd quatrain opens with"... This is typical of Shakespeare's style to completely change the tone at the start of a quatrain. Is an honest compliment "Hear her review, I love's to speak", and may be starting to convey the idea that for all her outer faults, It is the mistress's inner beauty that the writer loves. However the the next line seems to go back being derisive and harsh... "But music hath pleasing in a more sound" It leaves us wondering why he has so suddenly gone back to being negative about the mistress... "My mistress is no goddess The next 2 lines seem to say"...

But to understand this we must understand the contemporary poets of the time for example, Thomas Watson, Michael Drayton, and Barnabe Barnes... They all wrote over-the-top, a highly romanticised sonnets, with lots of from elaborate description and they were not really honest. In sonnet 130, Shakespeare has given an honest description. The writer is saying what he truly sees and feels about the mistress... This is completely unlike the much earlier sonnet 18 where the writer seems to be wearing rose tinted glasses and describes the "fair youth" with all manner of descriptive adjectives.

Shakespeare is satirising and almost making a mockery of his contemporary writers. From He thinks they look silly by always by being so over the top and elaborate (a bit like how the media nowadays sensationalises all their stories), and slates them for their dishonesty.

People do not want to be complemented on qualities they do not really have... If you have tanned skin, and you do not want to be complemented on how white and fair your skin looks, "Wow your skin is a lovely shade of caramel" but maybe you would like to be complemented in such as a way as... Here, although the writer seems to criticise the mistress at times, he is really complementing her on qualities she really does have.

Final Rhyming Couplet

The writer ends the poem with a confession of love. For all her strange qualities which he has listed int the poem before, He still loves her. It is interesting to note that in Shakespearean English, the word belied can mean falsely represented and also sexually mounted. As this whole poem is a satire, Shakespeare could be subtly accusing his rival poets of coercion, using flattering words to get their mistresses in bed.

Here is sonnet 130, another of my favourite Shakespeare love poems, with the quatrains already separated for you to make it easier to read.

Sonnet 18

1st quatrain

My mistress ' eyes are nothing like the sun;

Coral is far more red than her lips ' red;

If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;

If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.

2nd quatrain

I have seen roses damask, red and white,

But no such roses see I in her cheeks;

And in some perfumes is there more delight

Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.

quatrain 3 rd

I love to hear her speak, yet well I know

That music hath a far more pleasing sound;

I grant I never saw a goddess go;

My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:

Final Rhyming Couplet

And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare

As any she belied with false compare.

Sonnet 130 is one of the most clever Shakespeare Love Poems... It is interesting to see all the different facets of Shakespeare poetry, and this poem can be interpreted 2 ways... You can compare this with the simple description in Sonnet 18.

Hi! I'm Cluivee, and I'm interested in all things Shakespeare! I especially enjoy reading and writing about Shakespeare love poems and the famous Shakespeare love sonnets. If you want to know more about Shakespeare love poems, check out my site at http://www.shakespearelovepoems.com/
