วันพุธที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

An Unfolding of Robert Frost's "Design"

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"I always wanted to be very observing," Robert Frost once said, after reading his poem "Design" to an audience. Then he added, "But I have always been afraid of my own observations". What could Frost have observed that could scare him? Let's observe the poem in question and see what we discover.

Starting with the title, "Design", any reader of this poem will find it full of meaning. As "Webster's new world dictionary" defines "Design", the word can denote among other things, a plan, or "purpose; intention; aim". Some arguments for the existence of god (I remember from Sunday school) are based on the "argument from design"; that because the world shows a systematic order, there must be a designer who made it. But the word design can also mean "a secret or sinister scheme" - such as we attribute to a "designing person". As we shall see, Frost's poem incorporates all of these meanings. His poem raises the old philosophic question of whether there is a designer, and evil designer, or no designer at all. Frost probably read William James on this question, as a critic has shown convincingly.

Like many other sonnets, "Design" is divided into two parts. The first eight lines draw a picture centering on the spider, which at first seems almost jolly. It is dimpled and fat like a baby, or Santa Claus. It stands on a wild flower whose name, heal-all, seems ironic: a heal-all is supposed to cure any disease, but it certainly has no power to restore life to the dead moth. In this second line we discover, too, that the spider has hold of another creature. Right away we might feel sorry for the moth, were it not the simile applied to it in line three: "like a white piece of rigid satin cloth." suddenly the moth becomes not a creature but a piece of fabric - and yet satin has connotation of beauty. Satin is luxurious material used in rich formal clothing, such as coronation grows and brides' dresses.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

The Awkward Love Songs of J Alfred Prufrock, the Catcher in the Rye, and Smells Like Teen Spirit

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The word "wooing" doesn't get used very much anymore. Not just because the word itself sounds outdated, but because the relationship scene has changed a tad over the last hundred plus years.

Newfound social flexibility has taken a lot of the ritual out of love, which is great if you don't want to be exchanged to the neighboring villager for a goat but less great when you're trying to figure out how long to wait before you call someone back. Or what to say when you do call. Or whether there's anything to call about in the first place. OR, dare we speculate, if the call might somehow result in marriage, children, and a fixed 10/30 mortgage.

Suffice it to say that the relationship between modernity and love is "complicated." If you struggle with today's mating rituals, raise a toast to these awkward wooers across the twentieth-century: J. Alfred Prufrock, Holden Caulfield, and Kurt Cobain. In addition to being tongue-twisted, evasive male lovers, all three figures arise during particularly fat and happy times in American history - which certainly doesn't help if you already feel like a loser.

J. Alfred is the original guy awkwardly crushing on the girl at the party. His entire 132-line "love song" is a speculation about whether or not to approach his love interest, whose identity he doesn't even have the guts to divulge. There are several alternate interpretations of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, including the following:
Prufrock approaches the woman he loves, loses his nerve, and gives up without saying anything.Prufrock wanders through the city streets imagining approaching said woman, then anticipates rejection and gives up without saying anything.Prufrock spends the entire poem at home, where he imagines wandering through the city streets imagining his fantasy self approaching said woman, being rejected, and then giving up without saying anything.Prufrock isn't even in love with anyone specific and just likes to torture himself.Folks, welcome to modernism. It doesn't get any easier from here.

Fast forward thirty years to The Catcher in the Rye: the heyday of Ford Mustangs, drive-in burger joints, the nuclear family, post-war purposelessness, and an unbelievable pressure to conform. Then imagine trying to date.

Although Catcher might not strike you as a love story so much as the disillusioned ramblings of a na?ve seventeen-year old, once you strip away all the criticism of phonies, meanness, adulthood, and popularity, you're left with... not much of anything. Which is why we can't ignore the fact that the two areas of Holden's life that remain unscathed are his (deceased) little brother, Allie, and his (absent) crush, Jane. These are the rulers by which Holden measures everything.

Of course, Holden never works up the nerve to go through with calling Jane - any of the times he tries - but he does violently attack his roommate after suspecting him of "giving her the time" (possibly by coercion). As far as Holden goes, that's quite the display of knight-in-shining-armor-ness. Unfortunately, the fact that the book ends with Holden in some sort of institution gives us the distinct impression that things with Jane never quite work out.

Jump ahead another forty years for the disjointed, jilted love story of the breakout 1991 hit Smells Like Teen Spirit. In it, Cobain describes a woman - "over-bored and self-assured" - that automatically makes his mind jump to "a dirty word." He then says "hello" several times before asking, "how low?" You smooth talker, you.

Next comes the chorus, which assures us that "with the lights out, it's less dangerous." In case you're not already feeling uncomfortable, Cobain then rattles off the following items like they somehow belong together: "a mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido." Yup. Nothing puts a gal in the mood like a pejorative racial term, a pigmentation disorder, a blood-sucking insect, and talk of the ol' sex drive. We can't say we're surprised that the song ends in a famously repeated "denial."

For someone so romantically inept, it's only fitting that Cobain be dubbed the "self-hating icon of the inarticulate generation" by the UK Telegraph. Then again, if they think the 1990's were the only inarticulate generation, the joke is on them.

Shmoop is an online study guide for Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Catcher in the Rye and many more. Its content is written by Ph.D. and Masters students from top universities, like Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard, and Yale who have also taught at the high school and college levels. Teachers and students should feel confident to cite Shmoop.

วันพุธที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

With A Silver Wing Tanya Pens

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"With Silver Wings And A Golden Quill"
Tanya writes as her emotions spill
Words written to make emotions rise
As you read through you will be surprised
Page by page poems are filled with grace
Emotions stare you right in the face
Mature audiences must read this book
Her love views are just off of the hook
Thoughts will guide your imagination
Leaving you desiring temptation
"With Silver Wings and a Golden Quill"
A legacy for the heart to fill

Tanya Campos Gracia has certainly shared with her reading great poems of emotion and love. Her imagery are etched upon each page in this heartfelt book. May your imagination guide you to heights unknown as Tanya shares from her heart.From Across The Room, you will see how, Feelings of You all Whispers from Tanya's heart as she pours out of her soul to the readers.

Many will be able to identify the essence of love as only Tanya can captivate her readers with these beautiful pieces. I can truly say, what comes from the heart-reaches the heart. Tanya certainly has done this well.

You will also find beautiful graphics throughout the book by Daveda Gruber.

I would certainly gear this lovely poetic book to mature readers who have experienced the amazing languages of love as Tanya's golden quill spell out in her poetic pieces. Page after page your imagination will expand as you read through the lovely poetic pieces as Tanya golden quill continues to guide her line by line.