วันอังคารที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Awesome Epulaeryu Poetry by Joseph

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Joseph Spence is a wonderful author and poet. His words are very inspiring and uplifting in this Award Winning volume of poetry entitled, "Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body, and Soul." As a member of The World Haiku Association and a haiku practitioner, the haiku trilogy series written in sections of three verses in this uplifting book are very inspiring. I like the inspiring words of praise and how they are articulated for the soul in each series. Additionally, this is a wonderful and joy-filled book for anyone to read and enjoy.

The prayer poems in this book address many issues ranging from heart ailments to asthma, traffic accidents to chronic pain, and a lot more. The prayers are right on point and touched the soul of the reader. The messages of love and respect in his words for others are humbling. I have found his writings to be very inspiring and uplifting for the young and old. This book of poems is very captivation and his true talent is naturally demonstrated. He is not one to hide his talent under the bush. The intercessory prayers by Joseph for others really show his compassion, and state of being in caring for others in their time of need. Hopefully, others will read his works and come to the same conclusion or one that is much better than mine.

The newly created Epulaeryu poetry section is also very appetizing. I must try my hand at one of the recipe and poems. As the inventor of the Epulaeryu poems, Joseph projects a tone which I like in the articulation of the format in passing on the knowledge he articulates in impressing the dishes of the Epulaeryu poem and its development on others.

This Award Winning book, Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body and Soul," shows how one is able to integrate life travels and experience in a creative way be putting both jointly in creative writing. God bless always!

Terri Lynn resided is Wisconsin and enjoys reading poetry and short stories.

วันศุกร์ที่ 15 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

British Poetry Is a Beautiful Genre of Literature

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The theme of religion presents itself repeatedly over the course of the second half of the "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner". When the Ancient Mariner first stepped on the boat with the Hermit and the Pilot's he had a look of death about him. Even the Pilot Boy was laughing at the Ancient Mariner and said he thought that the old Mariner was the devil. It is important to note the times in which the Mariner and the Hermit begin to pray as these generally come at pivotal points in the poem. The Albatross represents sin and that is why the Ancient Mariner is forced to suffer for killing the great bird.

The main character who was the mariner had a change in heart and bent over to pray that the Albatross corpse slipped from his neck freeing him of the sin for killing the majestic creature. There are many parallels between the Ancient Mariner killing the Albatross and Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Much like Adam and Eve the Ancient Man was punished because he failed to respect the boundaries that Christ has set for us. The Ancient Mariner was ignorant and thought he had and understanding of something that was far beyond of his reach. The seventh part of the poem is ripe with message that praying will solve all of your problems. The Hermit is used as a positive example how a person of faith should behave. Samuel Taylor Coleridge would claim that he did not intend for the poem to have any moral lessons. Rather that this is just an epic tale that needs to be told.

Although the author claims that nothing in the poem symbolizes religion that is clearly false. The hermit is a holy person and his demeanor is felt throughout the ending. Without the Hermit this poem would have no substance. This is a story about Christianity and the supernatural. The Hermit is essential in the development of either one. The Hermit was able to document the supernatural by witnessing the Ancient Mariner survive after being drown alive. At the end the Mariner the Hermit put more effort in the direction of Christianity and prayer. It is clear that because of the Hermits presence it helps the Ancient Mariner come to more peace with his relationship with God.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Sidestep Catapult Drives Me Wild

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I woke this morning from a dream of wild animals carousing in the backyard - so I reached for the book beside my bed: Sidestep Catapult, by Anne-Adele Wight. I found those same creatures described by my own unconscious lurking in her poems. Some animals are hungry; some just curious; others are downright vicious. Wight embraces the moods of these animals in all their complexity.

Wight's poetry brings our primitive nature to consciousness. As I read, an insistent remembrance of my primal side erupts through the surface, illuminating everything. Neuropsychology has mapped this part of our brains. Sometimes it is referred to as the reptilian brain, and part of it sits at the base of the skull. It lives within us and informs our behaviors, though many are eager to deny it.

A mystic teacher, DC Vision, once said to me, "People think the natural world is beautiful. It's not always so glorious. When you look closer, you see nature is savage. It devours itself." He spent several years traveling by horse across the United States, so he should know.

I have my own gut feelings about the reptilian brain. Avoiding interactions with the natural world and denying we are part animal pushes our primal instincts deeper into the unconscious. Repression makes this part of human nature, which is linked to survival, more dangerous - or something to fear. Wight chooses to confront our inherent animal instincts instead. In What Led to the Hawk's Nest, her wild creatures appear unbidden in the civilized landscape. "Florida panther paces towards you out of garage." Later, "teeth close on your wrist." This theme is reiterated in Leopard Flower, "did you order animals for the toolshed?/ they'll split it open."

To our civilized minds, wild animals are unpredictable and cruel. Yet there is a distinct memory of the human world being a part of this:

Eons have passed since we lived in the sea
still speechless
in language heavy-forest
our throats lack bone and cord.

Wight points out the separation between humans and animals: communication through language is what drives a rift between species. Yet even with all their skill, humans lack the apparatus to speak to animals.

Wight's subjects are imbued with light and fired by crystal energies. Her book harbors the uncontainable: the elemental forces of nature and the mysteries that envelop them. Earth, air, water, fire and spirit coalesce in many of her pieces. Crystal communication, plant energies, expressions of water and bursts of air emanate energy and light through movement or even in stillness. Though these elementals travel a slightly different frequency than humans and animals, they are no less powerful. When activated, the elementals portend signs of supernatural importance. Transatlantic Night Flight is a good example of this:

From inside Ptolemy's crystal
gridlines divide the Atlantic
humming traffic control.
Emeralds fall around me
sounding calliope
brings them down in a windfall
hooting carousel tunes.

Is this the music of the spheres?

I love the way Wight posits the final question, set apart from this stanza. She is adept at perceiving through multiple senses. Wight is also attuned to the experiences of the astral body.

Christmas Shopping takes this holistic, sensual awareness even further:

every letter an element
each element its opposite
each opposite a color
every color on fire

Solstice Eve recounts a magic ritual where those gathered fuse with the natural world and initiate a stream of energy that is set quickly into motion.

Four people five trees
how force is number
working here and now.

Something pulls toward tree skin
from the core of a ring of five
music struggles in upper branches

In magical rituals, intention guides outcomes. The act of gathering creates a centrifugal force held onto by those in circle and perceived and expressed through feeling, sights and sounds in nature.

Wight's work is the product of a mind with acute sensitivities. For those who see themselves as a part of the natural world - not just a banal observer -- Sidestep Catapult will provide a jolt of recognition and a renewed sense of unity with our wild animalistic core.

Elizabeth Kirwin is the creator and founder of FairesInAmerica.com, a website that gives insight into the fairy culture of the United States, a branch of neo-paganism that is on the rise. Kirwin is a professional writer, performance artist and Organic SEO specialist. Visit http://www.fairiesinamerica.com/ or email info@fairiesinamerica.com.